Environmental Policy

We are dedicated to sustainable development of our business operations.

​​​​​Commited to the Environment

Prairie Materials is a major producer and supplier of ready-mixed concrete and aggregates. As part of an ongoing commitment to the environment and the communities in which we operate, we have established the following environmental policy.

​​​Prairie will:

  • Comply with all environmental legislation, regulations, permitting, and other requirements relevant to our business activities.
  • Make every practicable effort to reduce negative impacts on the environment and enhance the positive aspects of its operations, products, and services on the natural and social environment through effective planning and management.
  • Establish systems to prevent pollution and nuisance to local communities, encourage recycling and waste reduction, and reduce the use of energy.
  • Manage our corporate properties so that the natural environment is protected and enhanced, where practicable, throughout our current operations and a primary focus in our site restoration plans.
  • Listen to and respond to the needs of local communities and other key stakeholders.
  • Promote the use of more sustainable construction methods by providing sustainable building products and materials.
  • Raise environmental awareness through the training and development of our employees, suppliers, and subcontractors.
  • Review our plans and performance with our stakeholders to establish objectives and targets, and regularly measure and communicate the performance achieved.
  • Communicate this policy to everyone working for and on behalf of the company.

Through the implementation of this policy, we will continue to develop and employ sustainable best practices that integrate our economic and ecological goals, while acting as good neighbors and corporate citizens.

Our South American business partner, Votorantim Cimentos, is committed to a global leadership role in the sustainable development of its business operations that is setting the standard for all its companies.​